
Monday, August 13, 2012

Wen Re-moist Intensive Hair Treatment

I just recently bleached my whole head, and I'm going for WHITE! :) And needless to say, I fried my hair. So I just wanted to do a quick thumbs up for Wen Re-Moist Intensive Hair Treatment. My mom uses the shampoo and she get this in the mail as well... So I figured I would give it a try since I had nothing to lose and I didn't pay for it. ;) Anyway, you're suppose to leave it on for 35-45 minutes, and I didn't even do that! I didn't wait that long because I didn't feel like standing in the shower doing nothing.. it's not my thing. I have shit to do! I did leave it on for a good 15-20 minutes and I can't rave about it enough! It made me hair feel so soft and look so much better. I would definitely purchase this if, for some reason, I could no longer mooch off my mom. ;)

OCM Update: Fail !!

So I haven't Updated in awhile and that's because my skin was slowly getting more and more blemishes! I got too scared to continue the OCM. I gave it up! I went back to my Proactiv and my skin cleared instantly. However; I do still plan on using the OCM for mini facials every once in a while. I just think my acne prone skin needed more help especially in the summer. 
Whenever I run out of Proactiv, I'm going to try the formula. I hear its pretty amazing!

HOWEVER; I would not call the OCM a  fail... I failed! I just think I didn't have the balls to stick with it long enough. I folded.