
Friday, March 16, 2012

OCM: Update 2

I said that I wouldn't post for a few days..  unless I felt a blemish coming on.
: /

Night 2 of OCM:
I noticed a pimple coming... Keep in mind that I have very rarely gotten any pimples when using my Proactiv. This is a bummer, but I'm definitely not throwing in the towel. I'm sure my skin is going to have to adapt to this regimen. And like I said. Others' post have said that the method can take a lot of trial & error to find what makes your skin happy.

Because I felt the pimple coming, I also adjusted my ratios:
  • 75% Castor
  • 25% Jojoba
  • +  drop of Tea Tree

I also used the Tea Tree Oil as a spot treatment on the little bugger after the Witch Hazel Toner. My face is feeling slightly dry probably from the increased amount of Castor Oil. (Castor is what really pulls out the dirt & impurities.) So, I went ahead and applied a small amount of my Korres moisturizer. In the future, I think I will try taking an extremely small amount of the oil and patting it on the dry areas until absorbed. I do love my moisturizer, but how wonderful will it be to be free of buying high-end pricey skin care products all together!? Plus, the natural oils are so much healthier than any moisturizer.

Here's a site that's useful in choosing Essential Oils to add to your oil blend. All the oils on this page are great for acne. >> Essential Oils <<
For example, Lavender oil is good for preventing future breakouts! Once I get to my local Vitamin Shoppe, I'll definitely be adding this into my blend! :)

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